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used dragon-3906673_1920.jpg Daniela Tur

Nome ufficiale: Repubblica di Slovenia


Capitale: Lubiana


Forma di governo:

Repubblica democratica parlamentare


Valuta: Euro


Area: 20.273 km²


Popolazioni: 2,1 milioni


Altre città: Maribor, Kranj, Celje, Koper, Velenje, Škofja Loka

e Postumia

 By Daniela Turcanu - Pixabay 

La Slovenia è un bellissimo paese incastonato tra le alte Alpi, con luccicanti laghi glaciali, stazioni sciistiche, valli, boschi incantati e grotte.

Oltre la metà del paese è coperta da foreste, rendendo la Slovenia il terzo paese più verde d'Europa con il Parco Nazionale Triglay che è il parco più antico d'Europa.

Le Alpi, comprese le Alpi Giulie, dominano la Slovenia settentrionale. Le regioni alpine diventano immensamente popolari durante l'inverno, poiché la neve spessa crea condizioni perfette per lo sci e gli sport invernali.


Capitale della Slovenia, Lubiana è una città di ponti belli e architettonicamente interessanti. Il suo fiume, il Ljubljanica, scorre attraverso il centro storico di Lubiana e un tempo faceva parte di un'importante rotta commerciale. Lubiana è divisa in 2 metà dal Triplo Ponte (Tromostovje), da un lato c'è una storica città medievale e dall'altro è la parte moderna e vibrante della città. Il fiume Al giorno d'oggi è al centro della vita sociale della città, costellato da numerosi bar e ristoranti lungo i canali.

Prešeren Square

Named after France Preseren, Slovenia’s national Poet , and marked by his statue, the square is where the city meets up and celebrate. The Franciscan Church of the Annunciation, with its red façade, is one of the most striking building in the square.

Besides this lavish 17th century Baroque Church, there are many other charming buildings for you to gaze upon, with the magnificent Triple Bridge being another highlight. These three bridges span across the Ljubljanica river and connect Preseren Square to the Old Town.

The middle bridge was built in 1842, The other two smaller bridges were added by Jože Plečnik in 1932, and decorated all three bridges with enormous stone balustrades and lamps,  thus created a unique architectural gem of Ljubljana. There are many great pictures opportunity around the square.

Dragon Bridge

Built in 1901, the four fierce-looking dragons that stand on each corner of this bridge seem to be protecting the castle sitting in the background. Dragons are an emblem for Ljubljana and you’ll find them on the city’s coat of arms as well as buildings across the city. A very popular place for photos amongst tourists.

Town Square (Mestni Trg)

Town Square (Mestni Trg) is another major square in Ljubljana, where the 15th century Town Hall is located.  In front of the Town Hall is the beautiful Robba Fountain, by the Francesco Robba, and depicts three male figures pouring water from jugs. Not far away, is the Baroque St. Nicolas Cathedral that dominates the square with its splendid dome. It’s an awe-inspiring building replete with art by a number of Italian Baroque masters. Outside the cathedral, you'll find the city Central Market,  lines with stalls selling local products. Explore many of its  twisting cobbled lanes with colorful medieval buildings, flanked by numerous bars, cafés and restaurants.

Ljubljana Castle

Perched on top of the Castle Hill, Ljubljana Castle has been overlooking Ljubljana for about 900 years. The castle itself was built in the 11th century, but it was being completely rebuilt and redesigned several times. As such, there are lots of different architectural styles on show.


Easily reached by funicular railway , the castle boasts a viewing tower and ramparts with stunning views of Ljubljana and its surroundings. The castle now houses a museum exhibition on Slovenian history, a puppet museum, and a number of historical rooms, such as the Chapel of St George and the dungeon. It is also fascinated to find out that the earliest ever wheel, axle and flute (from about 3200 BC) were found in the marshes near Ljubljana, where people lived in stilted houses. The castle also houses a café and restaurants.

Lago di Bled

La Slovenia è anche famosa per i suoi laghi glaciali. Il lago di Bled, circondato dalle Alpi slovene, è una fuga naturale per chi cerca pace e aria fresca di montagna.

Lago Bohinj

Il lago Bohinj, un altro imponente e bellissimo lago glaciale della Slovenia, ha piccoli incantevoli villaggi rustici sparsi intorno al lago, creando uno dei paesaggi più pittoreschi d'Europa


Piran, one of the most picturesque coastal cities in Slovenia, surrounded by the tranquil turquoise sea , enjoys the laid-back atmosphere.

For 500 years, Piran was part of the Venetian Republic, and left its mark on the town. There are hints of the Venetians are all over the place.

The Old Town is among the best-preserved anywhere in the Adriatic. Explore by simply getting lost within the labyrinth of cobblestone laneways and charming alleyways with its crowded houses and every corner is a delightful small market square, fountains and sculptures.

Tartini Square

Tartini Square is an elegant Italian-style piazza at the heart of Piran. Named after its most famous local, violinist and composer Giuseppe Tartini, whose statue stands in the square.  Flanked by many beautiful magnificent buildings, boasting Venetian influences and all kinds of vibrant pastel colors. The most outstanding is the bright red Gothic-style Benečanka (Venetian House), the only building on the square that retains its original 15th century facade. Other buildings include the yellow Tartini House, a small museum dedicated Giuseppe Tartini and Town Hall.

The Walls of Piran (Obzidje Piran)

The walls were constructed from the 7th century to defend the city against invasion. It is a steep walk up but you will have a fantastic panoramic view of the peninsula, so it’s worth the effort!  The most beautiful time to come here would be during sunset, when the sun directly sets behind the horizon of the coastal town.

Piran  Waterfront Promenade

Enjoy a stoll along the harbour where colourful fishing boats and private vessels are docked.  Look out  for the sculptures in the rocks piled up along the promenade. Piran has invited artists to create designs in the limestone rocks. The unique art is definitely something to see in Piran! Follow the path and you’ll see the lighthouse at the top of the peninsula.

St. George’s Parish Church

Located atop a small hill just behind Tartini Square, this 14th-century Venetian Renaissance building dominates the townscape. Its most striking feature is its beautiful bell tower, with 146 steps, you’ll have the best view of the whole town!


The spa resort town of Portoroz is located just 4km from Piran. Portorož and Piran are surrounded by salt pans on both sides. The high value of the famed salt enabled the rise of  boyh cities in medieval times. Today, Portorož salt makes up a big part of the range of wellness services offered, which is regarded as one of the most comprehensive in Europe.

Portoroz modern development began in the late 19th century with the vogue for the first health resorts. In the early 20th century Portorož became one of the grandest seaside resorts in the Adriatic. The central beach of Portorož has been achieving the best results in terms of the quality of bathing water for many years. The beach is very popular for its volleyball courts, children's playgrounds, water sports park, children's water park, numerous bars as well as relaxation and entertainment.

By Bruno Girin from, CC BY-SA 2.0
Portoroz,_Hotels.jpgBy Wistula - Own wor
By Wistula -, CC BY-SA 4.0

Grotta di Postumia

L'altopiano sud-occidentale è pieno di grotte calcaree e canyon. Ci sono più di 10.000 grotte in Slovenia. La grotta più famosa è Postumia che si estende fino a 20 km, con innumerevoli formazioni di stalagmiti e stalattiti.

Dalle magiche profondità della Grotta di Postumia, raggiungi il fiabesco mondo dei cavalieri, il Castello di Predjama, il più grande castello delle caverne del mondo.


Postojna Cave

By Ivan Ivankovic from Dubrovnik,  -, CC BY 2.0

Predjama Castle

The mighty Predjama Castle, a Renaissance castle, stood proudly in the middle of a 123-metre-high cliff for more than 800 years.  Built within a cave, it is the largest cave castle in the world, located in the village of Predjama, nearby the town of Postojna.

Take a walk through the castle's armoury, chapel, kitchen, torture chamber and discover the magic of medieval life. The castle attic boats a wonderful view of the valley.

Predjama Castle

 By ivabalk - Pixabay

Škocjan Caves

One of the largest known underground canyons in the world. An Examples of natural beauty with great aesthetic value. The area has great cultural and historical significance as it has been inhabited since the prehistoric times. The Škocjan Caves have featured on UNESCO’s World Cultural and Natural Heritage List since 1986.

Škocjan Caves

Škofja Loka

Škofja Loka è un piccolo pittoresco villaggio medievale con una storia intrigante e un aspetto da fiaba. È un gioiello sloveno. I tetti rossi della fitta città, il campanile della chiesa di San Giacomo e il maestoso castello Škofja Loka attirano la tua attenzione già da lontano.

Loka Castle

The original castle was built in 1202.  However, it was entirely destroyed by an earthquake in 1511 and Bishop Filip took on its restoration. Today the castle is home to one of the best-arranged museums in Slovenia, with archeological, historical, cultural, artistic, natural science and ethnological collections. Visitors can also see the excellently-preserved 16th century farmhouse, Škopar's House (Škoparjeva hiša) in the castle garden.

Il Ponte dei Cappuccini, saluta i visitatori mentre attraversano il fiume Sora nel centro storico.

St. James Parish Church

The Parish Church in Škofja Loka is dedicated to Saint James. It dates to the 15th century.

St. Mary's Column

The shrine was erected in 1751 in the thankfulness that the town was spared from the plague.

La Slovenia è assolutamente un ottimo posto per la tua prossima destinazione.


Il tuo viaggio in Slovenia può essere combinato con i paesi vicini, Croazia, Austria, Italia, Croazia, Ungheria o semplicemente Slovenia!

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